Poor Judas
Jon met a brother in Christ earlier and we mentioned about The Gospels Of Judas which was screened on National Geographic last sunday and Jon has watched it. However to Jon's surprised, this brother whom Jon was speaking to said that he felf "disturbed" as he had read some articles about Judas' Gospels from the newspaper. He cautioned Jon not to be swayed by his "Gospels". Jon was a little confused. In fact this brother is not the first person who finds this Gospels worrying, there was another sister who also told Jon that this Gospels Of Judas is confusing to the Christians. As for Jon, there is nothing to be confused about at all. Read on...
In fact Jon feels that this documentary is really interesting. Before this Jon only knew about Judas as the betrayer who sold "Jesus" to the Roman soldiers who later hung himself. To Jon Judas was a bad guy. However Jon didnt realise there is the other side of Judas' story. In fact, no one in the church ever spoke about it too. Last Sunday Judas' story finally unfold to Jon.
As it is in the Gospel of Judas, it claimed that God was the one that prompted Judas to the betrayer act. Some people would laugh at this claim, but why not? If everything in life was planned by God, how come Judas' betrayer is not part of the plans as well?
If we look at Luke 22:3, it says that Satan entered Judas to perform the great "betrayer act". As we all know, Satan is also at God's command. Jesus had went on to mention in Matthew 26:53-54 "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more that twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?"
Isn't it clear in the bible if you read the 4 Gospels in the New Testaments that Jesus knew all along about the whole betrayer act enroute to His capture? In fact, the "betrayer act" was so well planned that the disciples do not know who is the special person "entrusted" with this "important-dirty" task that Jesus mentioned in Mark 14:21b, "It would be better for him if he had not been born." Judas was entrusted with this special calling the day he was borned. Besides finding the betrayer for this "betrayer act", God has also went into the details of Judas' famous kiss on Jesus cheek, preparing the two swords (Luke 22: 37-38) so that someone would cut the ear of the servant of the high priest (note that its not any Roman soldiers), Jesus healing the servant's ear, Peter's denial (3 times), the debate before Pilate and Herod, the exchange of prisoner Barabbas and the final act of the Crucifixion.
Doesn't all the above mentioned pointed that God was the ultimate planner of this great "Redemption Act"- which is to resurrect His Son in the eyes of the world, for our salvation? Henceforthe, why are people still calling Judas a betrayer and look down upon him? In Jon's humble opinion, Judas is one of the most noble man who has sacrificed himself to perform such a heartbreaking act. Ask yourself if your master could show you how to feed five thousand with five loaves of bread and 2 fishes (Mark 6:38), would you betray him with thirty silver coins? For those who are pondering how much are we comparing, we are talking about eight months of a man's wage (Mark 6:37b) against that tiny thirty silver coins...
Lastly Book of John sums it all. John 13:18, "I am not refering to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill the scripture: 'He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.' (Psalm 41:9)" In fact it was also Jesus who gave the signal for Satan to act on Judas in John 13:27, "As soon as Judas took the bread (from Jesus), Satan entered into him. 'What you are about to do, do quickly,' Jesus told Judas"
Henceforth looking at all those things that had unfold in the bible, isnt it clear that Judas' "act of betrayer" was part of God's great plan. If this is the case, shouldn't we glorify this unselfish sacrificial example? As a Christ follower, we shouldn't condemn Judas further or worse call him "Judas The Betrayer" anymore. Perhaps we should change our perception towards Judas and start calling him with more respectable names like "The Selfless One". By right isnt this what Jesus want all His disciples to practise? Read John 12:25-26:
"The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."
Judas had obeyed God's will, and he has served Jesus (by handing Him over to the Romans soldiers) even to the extent of "Condemnation". What have we done for Jesus?
first thing first, the Gospel of Judas like all other Gnostic Gospels was not written by Judas but in fact, some hundred plus years to 200 hundred years after Jesus. Secondly, the Gnostics cannot be taken seriously as eye witness accounts because of how late it was written.
Moving on, did Judas betray Jesus? Based on what we're taught, yes. But your post does bring up a certain amount of consideration to the whole betrayal. Was Judas specially called by God to betray Jesus for the sake of prophecy?
First examine this: we know that God has preordained individuals to serve in ministries and to have an impact on certain events. Like God could say, "Jon, will go to India to plant a church there." But here's the thing, God being god will have to let you have a choice. Even Jesus whom prophecy spoke so clearly of could have had said "No!" to his cruxifiction. Just look at what happened when he was tempted by Satan and at the garden of Gathsemene. I have no doubt whatsoever that all the disciples must've been tempted by the Pharisees to betray Jesus. Just that Judas answered. To say that God specifically told him to betray Jesus by some sign or miracle is suspect. We don't know that.
Second: Was it all a selfless act for the sake of humanity that Judas betrayed Jesus? I would like to believe this but I can't. There is a very big reason why this is called a betrayer's act. Let me explain why:
A bribe was accepted.
If this act was purely selfless in nature, why couldn't Judas just 'betray' Jesus? We know that betrayal doesn't need a price. I could tell person B all the secrets of person A without a price! But Judas accepted a bribe! He was paid off to betray Jesus. That's where the whole theory of Judas' selfless act falls apart.
Imagine I reported you to the police for some crime you committed and accepted the bounty and then told you I did it for your good. Then once that is done, I use the money to buy a plot of land for myself. See where I'm getting at?
Thirdly: Psalms 41:9 said a close friend would betray Jesus. It doesn't say who. I personally believe that all of Jesus disciples and friends would have been tempted to betray him at some point or another. However, being reborn again in Christ, only someone who's heart was half for Christ ministry could betray him.
Read John 13:26-27. Satan entered Judas! As good can only manifest itself through willing participation by the receiver, so to is evil only possible to manifest itself through a heart not yet fully occupied by good.
That being said, I believe all the disciples failed Satan's temptations and only Judas fell. Being so, it doesn't clear him from being a betrayer since as we have seen above, he let Satan into his heart.
In closing
The Gnostic Gospels provide an alternative form of Jesus to the world. They are often counter nature to the Jesus written in the Bible. Are they stumbling? Yes they are if you don't do your homework and do some serious homework behind them.
Judas was no hero. He did this for himself. The only calling he answered was his own.
Remember that sacrifice comes without selfish personal gain. Then remember the 30 shekels of silver and the allowance of Satan to enter him.
Check out Albert's blog too. http://alwakeme.blogspot.com/
Interesting post. Certainly stirs up some debate and sheds more light on the Gnostic "gospels".
I'd just like to point out one fact about Judas. As noble as you might think he is, his heart was never really filled by God even up till that point in time. See John 12:4-6:
"But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. "
It mentions that Judas used to be a thief and even after becoming one of the disciples, he still had a very selfish mentality. It's not far fetched then that he CHOSE to betray Jesus and CHOSE to accept the bribe offered by the high-priests subsequently. Instead of saying Jesus commanded Judas to be the "betrayer", I think it's more a case of Jesus knew what he schemed in his heart and ALLOWED it to happen.
Check out this blog entry: http://shangjun.blogspot.com/2006/04/gospel-of-judas-response.html
Hi Jon, the blog link you put here under my name is actually not my personal blog, but my sub-dist blog (which has not been updated for eons, heh heh). My personal blog is at Multiply. Peishan's, Dee's and Tiger's blog have the link to it =)
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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