My Life Journal

Jon Tan. Born: April 1976. Reborned: June 2004 in the mighty name "Jesus of Nazereth". Serving God wholeheartedly. Love you as much as how God loves you when He send His one and only son to the cross.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

What An Irony...

After Jon posted the story of Romeo & Juliet, the world suddenly turned into a place of heartbreaks all over. Jon met up with a couple of gals and found out each relationship had its own story:

Miss “A”: Her relationship ended recently. Her ex-boyfriend was stable and wanted to settle down but Miss “A” felt she is still young to do so. Also not prepared to become a housewife as what her boyfriend wanted. To make matter worse, she realized that her ex-boyfriend had not been open and frank enough, so decided to end the relationship. Now she lives a carefree life meeting up with different guys and busy juggling with work and dating.

Miss “B”: In a relationship but not happy. Boyfriend very possessive as he wanted to find out everything that she did and have to “report” to him everyday. Always ended up quarreling over the smallest of things. Feeling very miserable and awaiting for the moment to “snap”…

Miss “C”: Have not found any partner for many years now. Been searching but somehow the right guy just did not appear. Probably she was too workaholic and to make matter worse she is now a VP in a bank; hence most guys were intimated by her work attitude and her present high position.

Miss “D”: Had a bad relationship before and since then quite wary of a having a new one. As she was in mid-thirties, most of the guys her age were already married. Present crop of guys who went after her were mostly younger than her. As she does not want to be appearing as rocking the cradle, she decided to give these guys a miss. Currently looking for the right guy but not in a hurry yet as she does not want to appear desperate into a relationship.

Miss “E”: Planning to get marry now, but recent developments sees her boyfriend having to work overseas for good. Would be prepared to migrate with him once he is settled in his new job, but it will take at least one more year. So now have to leave with separate life and a year of uncertainties.

Miss “F”: A Christian who likes to go clubbing. Got to know a French guy when he approached her in a club one year ago. Wasn’t too impressed with such guy initially but after one year of courtship, found out that this guy was a decent gentleman who has plans for his future family. Beginning to like this guy now and considering a relationship with him. However she does not want to commit yet so that she can continue with her carefree life.

Mr “G”: Yes it’s a guy this time round who was having a broken relationship with another guy. Kind of Brokeback Mountain. Mr “G” wanted to have a stable relationship with the guy but this guy prefer to be free of attachment so that he could meet up with more guys. In short Mr “G” was depressed over this guy’s preference of “no string attached” relationship.

Why is it so difficult to have a stable relationship? Jon decides to look at his parent for answer. In fact there is really nothing special in this relationship. Jon’s dad was neither educated nor rich. He does not have a good temper and patience. He is not handsome or charming. He is not even sensitive and caring towards Jon’s mum. Worse he is so chauvinistic and doesn’t help in house works at all. Yet their marriage is already more than 40 years already. Though there were major quarrels in the past, it seemed to be a thing of a past now. As people grew, relationship grew too.

Besides Jon’s mum is a tolerant, patience and sacrificial woman who gives in and submit to her husband no matter how ridiculous things were. Though sometimes she is in unfair circumstances, she accepts them with grace. As such this marriage lasts this long and the family has been able to enjoy peace this while. Every circumstance needs a hero and no doubt the biggest hero in this family is Jon’s mum. Despite all kinds of situation Jon’s mum was in, she never grumbles or complains. Her silent brought peace into the house. Her patience brought joy into the air. Her sacrifices brought love into this family. The only comparison Jon could compare would be Jesus who came into the world and offer his body as a living sacrifice more than 2000 years ago. To Jon, his mum was as great as Jesus in this family. If Jesus was a classic example for us to live our lives, Jon’s mum was a classic role model for women to learn from as well. So wake up women, stop whining and do what God made you to be- which is to be a woman who supports the man. So shut up and start living by God’s purpose.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all creatures that move along the gound." > Genesis 1:26

"If God gave man everything that we have in life, then woman gets to enjoy everything that she has through man. " > Jon Tan


At 13 March, 2006 17:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So wake up women, stop whining and do what God made you to be- which is to be a woman who supports the man. So shut up and start living by God’s purpose."
Hmm... Not very endearing for FCP like me. Hahaha! Cool it, brother. Take care. You will find that one who is like your mum one day.

At 29 March, 2006 09:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If God gave man everything that we have in life, then woman gets to enjoy everything that she has through man. " > Jon Tan

Disagree. God doesn't give man everything we have in life. God cannot give us sinful thoughts or things that will destroy us. Therefore, some of the stuff we have are due to (a)our own human nature and/or (b)prince of the world. We need a careful, thoughtful response to each thing we have in life, and choose what is from God and what is not.


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