My Life Journal

Jon Tan. Born: April 1976. Reborned: June 2004 in the mighty name "Jesus of Nazereth". Serving God wholeheartedly. Love you as much as how God loves you when He send His one and only son to the cross.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Say YES to sinners

Sometimes Jon wondered if he would go to hell, despite he is already a Christian. Reason is very simple. He has always been very frank on his opinions on Christianity today. Sometimes he wondered if whatever he has spoken was guided by Satan. For yesterday, Jon spoke about the DARKNESS that have befall on our church. And today Jon got a revelation of the cause of it...

It was the day for Jon to bring his mum and sis-in-law to Church Of Saviour for the special service with Dong Fang Billy. As usual there was praise and worship in Chinese. Very unique indeed as it was first time Jon worships in Chinese. No doubt the spirit is the same. Jon can sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and expects many good things to come.

The time came for Dong Fang Billy to testify about God for all the things He has done in his life. Well, many people have more or less known it. But there was something that Billy mentioned today that struck the chord in Jon's heart. He had been judged by many many people during the early days when he first accepted Christ.

A lot of time we, Christians, studied the bible seriously so that we are able to equip ourselves for fulfilling the Great Commisson - which is to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything "Jesus" have commanded us.

However here's the trap that Satan has created. A trap that many Christians fell unknowingly. And to make matter worse, these people are matured and "well-equipped" Christians who have been serving the church and our Heavenly Father for many years. As they read and understand the bible, they become very good in identifying the good and the bad. The righteous and the wicked. The holy and the stained. And by exceling in this area, they fell deeply by this trap which Satan has camouflaged naturally. These Christians become very good judges themselves. These Christians are quick to identify the flaws. They are quick to share their knowledge of the Words. They are quick to correct others. They are quick to defend our Heavenly Father. And they think that by doing these make them holy...

Now, let Jon the less "matured" Christian tell you the truth. These people have interpreted the bible wrongly. YES, the bible has written everything about the good and the bad. The rights and the wrongs. But NO, the bible is not to be used to become a judgement book for sinners. The essence of the Holy Bible, according to Jon's understanding, should be a testimony of God's GREAT LOVE for His children, despite all the sins (mentioned specifically in the bible) that we earthly people had committed. Remember why our Heavenly Father sent His one and begotten son onto the cross?

So remember this. Our job as His Children is to LOVE first His children. Do not be quick to say "NO" to sins committed by sinners, for what sins is sin to the sinner? But say "YES" to them as they are, so that they can experience our love so that they can slowly identify with His Great Love. Only through knowing His Great Love can the TRUTH be slowly revealed to them and thus comes CONFESSION and REDEMPTION.

Having said, Christians, the next time before we next open our mouth, remember to say "yes", just like Jesus Himself has said YES to us first.

So praise the Lord, after this revelation, Jon can at least be assured that the things that he has spoken so far have been guided by the spirit. Amen.


At 23 November, 2005 14:49, Blogger Dee said...

To live as a Christian that shines is not easy because the whole world is watching us. Love needs to be the hallmark of our life. No matter how matured we are in Christ, we need to recognise our fallen nature and be humble. Humble to listen to advice as well though we may think that we know more. Many times we fail and fall short of His glory. We fail to love like Him. Many times I complain about this and that in my heart but now I learn to see the good in the person as everyone is different and unique.

In a big church, we will meet many people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experience and also together with them their own unique sets of problem as well. We need to learn to be open-minded and accept them for who they are and build relationship with them. Not easy but we need to learn. It's always a learning process no matter how old or mature we are ;-)

We love because He first love us.

At 23 November, 2005 22:51, Blogger Jon Tan said...

Humble to listen - A lesson need to be taught over and over again in church.

At 24 November, 2005 21:41, Blogger Dee said...

Humility is an area that everyone of us need to learn. All are susceptible to this. Satan, the talented archangel, fell because of pride. He wanted to be god.

I am reading the book of Numbers now. I learnt a lot about authority that God appoints and gives to His leaders. Num.16, 17. The importance of fulfilling our role(s) and do not overstep authority. God is sovereign. In due time if His leaders are not right with Him, He will choose another one. Like King David, he never strike King Saul no matter what King Saul did to him. Such humility we need to learn from. I believe God is just and good all the time :-)

Brother, keep your zeal and love for our God. Your life has encouraged me.

Man will fail us but God never fail. His love never fails.

At 25 November, 2005 20:48, Blogger Jon Tan said...

I like the example you brought up... King David and King Saul.

Indeed we need to learn to fear God all the time, even if He is blessing us before or now. If not, He would move His blessing to the next one.

I need to constantly remind myself this. Hope you too!

Anyway, your life is even more inspiring. Going to Rome is a step of faith not many people even dare to think about. You have done it. Great job as no matter what, you have open up a path for future people to follow. I need to learn a lot from you. Praise the Lord that you are now in our CG. =)

At 02 December, 2006 01:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
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