My Life Journal

Jon Tan. Born: April 1976. Reborned: June 2004 in the mighty name "Jesus of Nazereth". Serving God wholeheartedly. Love you as much as how God loves you when He send His one and only son to the cross.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oh Hosana

Hosana Hosana, whats wrong with this world?
Hosana Hosana, do we really have to depend on you for everything?

You showed us Love, but you also teach us Love not the world.
You showed us Love, but you also teach us to be Obedient and Patient.
You showed us Love, but you also teach us to Give Up.
You showed us Love, but you also teach us to Let Go .

We all learn to love the Lord faithfully,
but we have all forgotten to love courageously.
We all learn to believe in the Lord wholeheartedly,
but we have all failed to work out the moments in life.

Let us die.
Let us perish.
Where is the point of living?
For we all breathe to worship you...


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